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Ways Automatic Doors Strengthen Hospital Emergency Preparedness

Ways Automatic Doors Strengthen Hospital Emergency Preparedness Aug. 23, 2024

Ways Automatic Doors Strengthen Hospital Emergency Preparedness

Hospitals experience emergencies every day, so they need to be full of high-quality, industry-leading, durable equipment and efficient fixtures and hardware. 

While top-of-the-line medical equipment is essential for saving lives and being prepared for  various emergencies, there are other ways to ensure hospitals are ready for anything.

Installing the right automatic door systems in a hospital can be one of the most beneficial ways to ensure smooth and swift action during all dire situations. Knowing the options available and choosing the type for each area of the building will give patients and employees the peace of mind they deserve.

How Automatic Doors Strengthen Hospital Emergency Preparedness

Choosing the right automatic doors for a hospital's emergency preparedness plan will be pivotal in response times, traffic flow, security, and more.

Although automatic doors are not the first thing people think of when considering emergency preparedness in healthcare facilities, they are necessary for so many reasons.

Infection and Disease Control

Hospitals are safe places for people to go when they are feeling ill, hurt, or experiencing any medical emergency. Because they accommodate patients with all types of health issues, it isn't far-fetched to assume they are also a great place to pick up something while you are there. 

Although proper cleaning and good hygiene are the best ways to avoid picking up a virus, preventing contact with as many surface areas as possible is another excellent solution. According to the Cleveland Clinic, germs can last on surfaces for many hours and up to five days. The COVID-19 virus can survive on wooden doors for four days, glass panels for five, and stainless steel door handles for three.

By installing automatic, contact-free doors in hospital facilities, there is no longer a need to put your hand on a door knob or handle that thousands of others have already touched. Even the cleanest hospitals can not keep up with the spread of germs through surface areas. 

Some automatic doors are also designed specifically to reduce the spread of infectious diseases or to keep isolation rooms sterile. These types of doors minimize air leakage and have durable, test-proof seals. 

Safety and Security for Patients and Staff

People are often feeling their most vulnerable while visiting the hospital. When sick or working to care for ill patients, they need to feel safe to focus on the more critical situation.

Security issues aren't always the emergency people think of when discussing hospital safety, but the risks exist. Robbery, fires, physical assaults, etc, are more of a threat than many people realize.

With automatic door systems throughout the facility, critical emergency prevention features can be added to secure these buildings tightly.

Some key features include

  • Bullet-resistant glass (doors and windows)
  • Key card entry systems
  • Anti-piggy backing
  • Anti- tailgating 
  • Automatic locking
  • Fire doors
  • Breakaway doors

By installing automatic doors, hospitals can significantly decrease unauthorized access into restricted areas, lock down individual sectors, and protect patients from potential physical harm.

Easy Access for All Visitors

Guidelines set by the Americans with Disability Acts state that “at least 60% of public entrances in newly built facilities must be accessible to individuals who use wheelchairs or have mobility impairments” (adata.org).
With the right automatic doors, access to medical facilities, such as hospitals, is easier for those walking in and those who need to be wheeled in (by chair, gurney, etc.)

Automatic door opening sensors, extra wide doorways, ramps, etc., are all important ways to ensure everyone can easily access their local hospitals and travel in and around them.

Quick and Safe Escape Routes

Hospitals are full of people 24/7, with employees, doctors, patients,  visitors, etc. Sometimes, the number of people isn't easily noticed until an emergency strikes, and everyone rushes to and exits simultaneously.
With traditional doors, getting out of an emergency can take a long time, trapping people inside and causing more panic.

With large entranceways, automatic opening sensors, and breakaway doors, making a quick and safe escape is easier and more obtainable for many people.

Traffic Control

Emergency preparedness in medical facilities ensures patients receive the best care possible. This type of preparation is what saves lives and keeps hospitals running smoothly in all types of situations.
With touch-free doors, doctors can rush patients from one area of the hospital to the next without stopping live-saving measures.

These doors also ensure there isn't a hold-up at an entrance or exit due to heavy traffic, avoiding prolonged waiting time for doctors to reach patients needing emergency care.

Keeping patients as calm as possible during an emergency is critical to a safe outcome. When exits are blocked, it can bring out anxiety and will cause people to panic (which makes emergencies even worse). Easy access throughout the building will reduce tension, irritability, and anger.

Types of Automatic Doors for Hospitals and Emergency Preparedness

Automatic doors use an array of sensors, electric motors, and circuits to open and close doors without human intervention. These features work together to slide, rotate, lock, monitor, and protect doors and visitors without any contact whatsoever. 

There are a wide variety of door options and various features for customizing automatic sliding doors, providing ample benefits during emergencies. 

  • Breakaway doors- Breakaway doors will open partially or fully, allowing people to create larger exits during emergencies and the ability to open doors in case of power failure. These doors are ideal for hospital entrances, exits and ICU’s.
  • Fully sealed- High-quality, tested, fully-sealed hospital doors slide, fold, or rotate with air-tight seals, minimizing air leaks. These doors are beneficial in all areas of a healthcare facility, but especially so in pressure rooms, critical care units, and infectious disease control.
  • Fire protection- Fire doors are acoustically sound folding doors that contain a fire in one area of the hospital, preventing it from spreading and creating more damage. 
  • Bullet-resistant glass- Tension and stress levels can get high during healthcare situations. Sadly, this brings out the worst in some people, and weapons can come into play. Those on the opposite side will stay protected with bullet-resistant glass doors and automatic windows.
  • Key card Access- Theft and damage can occur when ill-willed people enter secure areas. Ensure only authorized personnel can enter restricted areas with key card access.
  • Anti-piggybacking doors- Anti-piggybacking doors close directly behind an authorized user. These systems reduce the risk of violence, theft, and invasion of privacy.

Folding doors are a top choice for large openings, while automatic swinging doors are the most common solution for upgrading manual doors to meet ADA standards.

An automatic sliding door can open in various ways, moving to one side or opening in the middle like barn doors. These doors are great for isolation areas and rooms that require extreme cleanliness. Automatic sliding doors are also a top choice for hospital entryways, offering plenty of space for high-traffic areas.

Choosing the Right Automatic Doors for Hospital Emergency Preparedness

With all the available options today, deciding which automatic doors are suitable for hospital rooms and entryways can be a little overwhelming. It is also essential that each facility follows the accessibility ADA guidelines when installing new doors to avoid hefty fines.

To ensure every automatic door system is installed correctly and maintained in any hospital building, contacting reputable, reliable, professional, and highly experienced, qualified experts is critical. At Door Services Corporation, every client is a top priority and will get the assistance and guidance needed to obtain the most efficient, safe, and secure automatic door system available. 

Be prepared for anything with industry-leading, high-quality, top-of-the-line automatic door systems backed by 60 years of expert experience and AAADM-certified technicians whose top priority is customer satisfaction.

The advantages of hermetically sealed automatic doors for operating theatres


Product Trends

The advantages of hermetically sealed automatic doors for operating theatres

Hermetic operating theatres to protect against viruses

In a healthcare complex such as a clinic, a health centre, a nursing home or a hospital, it is essential for the safety and hygiene of employees and patients, along with those accompanying them, to be a crucial issue.

Most of these healthcare sites have operating theatres. This type of room set up for surgical operations require extreme care, as patients entering the operating theatre might often be subject to different medical interventions.

One of the important aspects, as well as the professionalism of the doctors and nurses, and the technical equipment, involves the entrances to the rooms where operations take place. Four necessary elements can be underlined here: hygiene, appearance, airtightness, functionality and safety.

This post discusses airtightness. It is essential for an operating theatre to be airtight to avoid any external contamination. Remember that doctors and nurses wash their hands several times before starting an operation. The theatre must be equally hygienic, and airtightness helps with this.

Hermetically sealed automatic doors provide an exceptional seal against dust and other harmful airborne elements. They minimise their movement and the transmission of particles, virus, pathogenic bacteria and other contaminants.

These hermetic doors for operating theatres -also available for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) cubicles- can be sliding, swing, or lead-lined. All the doors designed and manufactured by Manusa meet functionality, appearance and hygiene requirements.

For more free-flowing movement by medical staff, different types of presence sensors or buttons can be installed at the entrances, as required. The door can also be fitted with a vision panel containing a flush-mounted, elegant and easy to clean camera.

Hygiene is guaranteed with Manusa products thanks to the use of materials such as stainless steel or high pressure laminate (HPL) available in a wide range of colours. The healthcare sector must be one hundred percent safe.

The Benefits of Hermetic Doors in Healthcare Environments

Innovation is the key to improving patient care and maintaining stringent cleanliness standards. One such innovation that has significantly impacted healthcare facilities and many other facilities around the world are hermetic doors. In this blog post, we’ll delve into these doors, highlighting why you should choose them and also the options that come when purchasing with Dortek.

Hermetic doors are a remarkable addition to any facility. They are designed to maintain airtight seals, preventing the passage of air, moisture, and microorganisms. This technology not only enhances the hygiene of the environment but also contributes to energy efficiency. The airtight seal achieved by hermetic doors can be particularly vital in areas like operating rooms, isolation rooms, and cleanrooms, where infection control is paramount.

Why Choose Hermetic Doors?

  • Infection Control: Hermetic doors are at the forefront of infection control. In healthcare settings, where the spread of infections can be life-threatening, hermetic doors act as a robust barrier against the transmission of germs and bacteria.
  • Enhanced Patient Safety: These doors ensure patient safety by maintaining a sterile environment. Patients in isolation or post-surgery can recover without the risk of secondary infections.
  • Energy Efficiency: Hermetic doors contribute to energy savings by reducing the exchange of conditioned air. This not only helps in maintaining a controlled environment but also lowers energy costs.
  • Ease of Access: Designed with user convenience in mind, hermetic doors can be seamlessly operated, allowing for easy entry and exit while maintaining their airtight integrity.
  • Customisation: These doors are available in various sizes and designs, catering to the specific needs of your facility. They can be integrated into other door systems, depending on your individual requirements.

The Benefits of Dortek Hermetic Doors:

  • Airtight
  • Hygienic finish
  • Radiation proof
  • Smoke proof
  • Sound Insulation
  • Automated or manual
  • Up to 60 minutes fire rating & much more.

Please contact our team today on +44 (0)1482 226848 for more information on hermetic doors or alternatively please send us an enquiry via our contact us page.

  • Jenny-YZ-AL: Jenny-YZ-AL

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